On Job Training (Learn) : Golang - Introduce to gRPC and gRPC Gateway
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ajikamaludin a2196f975e
generate apidocs
2 years ago
api/v1/health grpc basic done 2 years ago
configs setup config file 2 years ago
pkg/v1 grpc basic done 2 years ago
proto generate apidocs 2 years ago
router generate apidocs 2 years ago
swagger generate apidocs 2 years ago
README.md generate apidocs 2 years ago
config.yaml setup config file 2 years ago
go.mod implment grpc-gateway 2 years ago
go.sum implment grpc-gateway 2 years ago
main.go implment grpc-gateway 2 years ago



Requirements ( Do It Letter )

Setup Project

  • create proto dir
  • create versioning dir and service dir health
  • create proto file health.proto
  • compile / generate proto with compile-proto.sh in proto dir

Setup config file

  • create config.yaml
  • create pkg dir , create versioning dir and create configs dir
  • go get gopkg.in/yaml.v2 , is a lib for parsing yaml config file to struct
  • create config.go file, implement New and other func
  • create configs dir on root project , create configs.go, this is file that bundle or wrap any services or packages
  • go get github.com/sirupsen/logrus, is a lib to show log on run
  • implement New to configs.go file
  • create main.go, implement to call config and log environtment read is ready
  • test go run .

Implement Server GRPC

  • create utils/constants dir in pkg/v1, to create global constants, implement EnvProduction, Successcode, SuccessDesc
  • implement grpc service create api/v1/health service, create health.go as server service
  • create api/v1/health/status.go as method implment from protobuf / pb file
  • create router dir in root project
  • create grpc.go in router dir and implement NewGRPCServer and register health api service
  • go get github.com/soheilhy/cmux, is for ?
  • create router.go in router dir and implement IgnoreErr, this is for ignore error so can be safely ignore
  • go get golang.org/x/sync/errgroup, is for ?
  • implement main.go to create grpc server from grpc.go with errgroup handler
  • go run ., run server grpc
  • go install github.com/fullstorydev/grpcurl/cmd/grpcurl@latest
  • test grpcurl -plaintext localhost:5566 list, to show list name of services
  • test grpcurl -plaintext localhost:5566 list api.gogrpc.v1.health.HealthService, to show list name of service methods
  • test grpcurl -plaintext localhost:5566 api.gogrpc.v1.health.HealthService.Status, to test method call in grpc
  • result
    "success": true,
    "code": "0000",
    "desc": "SUCCESS"
  • or test via postman , new -> grpc request -> Enter Server Url : localhost:5566 -> Import proto file / Select Method : Status -> Click Invoke

Implement gRPC-Gateway

ref https://github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway

  • implement import "google/api/annotations.proto"; in proto file
  • changes line below in all service methods for rest compile to rest
service HealthService {
    rpc Status(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (Response) {
        + option (google.api.http) = {
        +    get: "/api/gogrpc/v1/health/status"
        + };
  • re - compile / re - generate proto with compile-proto.sh in proto dir
  • go mod tidy
  • go get "github.com/gorilla/handlers"
  • create http.go in router dir and implement NewHTTPServer and register health api service
  • register httpserver to main.go
g.Go(func() error { return router.NewHTTPServer(configs, logger) })
  • go run . run grpc and http server
  • test curl localhost:8080/api/v1/health/status, reponse
  • mkdir swagger
  • cd proto
  • ./gen-apidoc.sh
  • register apidoc to http server in http.go implement

if configs.Config.Env != constants.EnvProduction {


func CreateSwagger(gwmux *http.ServeMux) {
	gwmux.HandleFunc("/api/health/docs.json", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		http.ServeFile(w, r, "swagger/docs.json")