'jenssegers', //except save request or route names 'except' => ['login', 'register'], //name of the table which visit records should save in 'table_name' => 'shetabit_visits', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | List of Drivers |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | This is the array of Classes that maps to Drivers above. | You can create your own driver if you like and add the | config in the drivers array and the class to use for | here with the same name. You will have to implement | Shetabit\Visitor\Contracts\UserAgentParser in your driver. | */ 'drivers' => [ 'jenssegers' => \Shetabit\Visitor\Drivers\JenssegersAgent::class, 'UAParser' => \Shetabit\Visitor\Drivers\UAParser::class, ], ];