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namespace App\Models;
1 year ago
use App\Services\GeneralService;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts\Attribute;
use Illuminate\Support\Carbon;
class Sale extends Model
const PAYED_WITH_MIDTRANS = 'midtrans';
const PAYED_WITH_MANUAL = 'manual';
const PAYED_WITH_DEPOSIT = 'deposit';
1 year ago
const PAYED_WITH_PAYLATER = 'paylater';
const PAYED_WITH_POIN = 'poin';
protected $fillable = [
protected $appends = [
1 year ago
1 year ago
protected static function booted(): void
static::creating(function (Sale $model) {
if ($model->code == null) {
$model->code = GeneralService::generateSaleVoucherCode();
public function items()
return $this->hasMany(SaleItem::class);
1 year ago
public function customer()
return $this->belongsTo(Customer::class);
public function formatHumanCreatedAt(): Attribute
return Attribute::make(get: function () {
1 year ago
return Carbon::parse($this->created_at)->translatedFormat('d F Y');
public function formatCreatedAt(): Attribute
return Attribute::make(get: function () {
1 year ago
return Carbon::parse($this->created_at)->translatedFormat('d F Y H:i:s');
public function displayAmount(): Attribute
return Attribute::make(get: function () {
1 year ago
return 'Rp '.number_format($this->amount, is_float($this->amount) ? 2 : 0, ',', '.');
1 year ago
public function paymentWith(): Attribute
return Attribute::make(get: function () {
if ($this->payed_with != null) {
return [
self::PAYED_WITH_DEPOSIT => 'Deposit',
self::PAYED_WITH_PAYLATER => 'Hutang',
self::PAYED_WITH_POIN => 'Penukaran Poin',
return '';
public function create_notification()
if ($this->payed_with == self::PAYED_WITH_POIN) {
'entity_type' => User::class,
1 year ago
'description' => $this->customer->fullname.' melakukan penukaran '.$this->items()->count().' voucher sebesar '.$this->items->value('price').' poin',
'entity_id' => auth()->id(),
1 year ago
'description' => 'Transaksi '.$this->code.' berhasil',
'entity_type' => User::class,
1 year ago
'description' => $this->customer->fullname.' melakukan pembelian '.$this->items()->count().' voucher sebesar '.$this->display_amount,
'entity_id' => auth()->id(),
1 year ago
'description' => 'Transaksi pembelian anda '.$this->code.' sebesar '.$this->display_amount.' berhasil',
public function create_payment()
1 year ago
// payed with deposit
if ($this->payed_with == Sale::PAYED_WITH_DEPOSIT) {
$deposit = $this->customer->deposites()->create([
'credit' => $this->amount,
'description' => $this->code,
'related_type' => self::class,
'related_id' => $this->id,
'is_valid' => DepositHistory::STATUS_VALID,
// payed with paylater
if ($this->payed_with == Sale::PAYED_WITH_PAYLATER) {
$paylater = $this->customer->paylaterHistories()->create([
'debit' => $this->amount,
'description' => $this->code,
public function create_poin_reward()
$bonus = PoinReward::where('customer_level_id', $this->customer->customer_level_id)
->where('amount_buy', '<=', $this->amount)
->orderBy('bonus_poin', 'desc')
if ($bonus != null) {
$poin = $this->customer->poins()->create([
'debit' => $bonus->bonus_poin,
'description' => GeneralService::generateBonusPoinCode(),
1 year ago
'narration' => 'Bonus Poin Reward',
public function create_poin_affilate()
$affilateEnabled = Setting::getByKey('AFFILATE_ENABLED');
$isAllowAffilate = GeneralService::isAllowAffilate($this->customer->level->key);
if ($affilateEnabled == 1 && $isAllowAffilate) {
$bonus = Setting::getByKey('AFFILATE_DOWNLINE_POIN_AMOUNT');
if ($bonus > 0) {
$code = CustomerRefferal::where('refferal_id', $this->customer_id)->value('customer_code');
$customer = Customer::where('referral_code', $code)->first();
$poin = $customer->poins()->create([
'debit' => $bonus,
'description' => GeneralService::generateBonusPoinCode(),
1 year ago
'narration' => 'Bonus Poin Affilate (Downline)',