deposit, poin, paylater */ public function index(Request $request) { $customer = $request->user('customer'); $carts = $customer->carts->load(['voucher.locationProfile.location']); $total = $carts->sum(function ($item) { return $item->quantity * $item->voucher->validate_price; }); $customer = Customer::find(auth()->id()); [$allowProcess, $isPaylater] = $customer->allowPay($total); return inertia('Cart/Index', [ 'carts' => $carts, 'total' => $total, 'allow_process' => $allowProcess, 'is_paylater' => $isPaylater, ]); } /** * handle cart add, remove or sub */ public function store(Request $request, Voucher $voucher) { $operator = $request->param ?? 'add'; //delete, sub, add $customer = $request->user('customer'); $item = $customer->carts()->where(['entity_id' => $voucher->id])->first(); if ($item !== null) { if ($operator == 'delete') { $item->delete(); session()->flash('message', ['type' => 'success', 'message' => 'voucher dihapus dari keranjang', 'cart' => 1]); } if ($operator == 'add') { // bisa tambah filter stock vouchernya $item->update([ 'quantity' => $item->quantity + 1 ]); } if ($operator == 'sub') { if ($item->quantity - 1 != 0) { $item->update([ 'quantity' => $item->quantity - 1 ]); } } } else { $customer->carts()->create([ 'entity_id' => $voucher->id, 'quantity' => 1 ]); session()->flash('message', ['type' => 'success', 'message' => 'voucher ditambahkan ke keranjang', 'cart' => 1]); } if ($request->direct != '') { return redirect()->route('cart.index'); } } /** * find correct voucher , reject if cant be found * create sale and item sale * credit deposit * redirect to show detail */ public function purchase() { DB::beginTransaction(); $carts = collect(session('carts')); if ($carts->count() == 0) { return redirect()->route('home.index') ->with('message', ['type' => 'error', 'message' => 'transaksi gagal, keranjang anda kosong']); } // validate voucher is available foreach ($carts as $item) { $batchCount = $item['voucher']->count_unsold(); if ($batchCount < $item['quantity']) { session()->remove('carts'); return redirect()->route('home.index') ->with('message', ['type' => 'error', 'message' => 'transaksi gagal, voucher sedang tidak tersedia']); } } $total = $carts->sum(function ($item) { return $item['quantity'] * $item['voucher']->validate_price; }); $customer = Customer::find(auth()->id()); $paylater_limit = (int) $customer->paylater_limit; if (($paylater_limit + $customer->deposit_balance) < $total) { session()->remove('carts'); return redirect()->route('home.index') ->with('message', ['type' => 'error', 'message' => 'transaksi gagal, pembayaran ditolak']); } $payedWith = Sale::PAYED_WITH_DEPOSIT; if ($total > $customer->deposit_balance && $customer->deposit_balance == 0) { $payedWith = Sale::PAYED_WITH_PAYLATER; } $sale = $customer->sales()->create([ 'code' => Str::random(5), 'date_time' => now(), 'amount' => $total, 'payed_with' => $payedWith, ]); foreach ($carts as $item) { foreach (range(1, $item['quantity']) as $q) { $voucher = $item['voucher']->shuffle_unsold(); $sale->items()->create([ 'entity_type' => $voucher::class, 'entity_id' => $voucher->id, 'price' => $voucher->validate_price, 'quantity' => 1, 'additional_info_json' => json_encode($item), ]); $voucher->update(['is_sold' => Voucher::SOLD]); $voucher->check_stock_notification(); } } $sale->create_notification(); $bonus = PoinReward::where('customer_level_id', $customer->customer_level_id) ->where('amount_buy', '<=', $total) ->orderBy('bonus_poin', 'desc')->first(); if ($bonus != null) { $poin = $customer->poins()->create([ 'debit' => $bonus->bonus_poin, 'description' => 'Bonus Pembelian #' . $sale->code, ]); $poin->update_customer_balance(); } $description = 'Pembayaran #' . $sale->code; if ($customer->deposit_balance < $total) { if ($customer->deposit_balance > 0) { $deposit = $customer->deposites()->create([ 'credit' => $customer->deposit_balance, 'description' => $description, 'related_type' => Sale::class, 'related_id' => $sale->id, 'is_valid' => DepositHistory::STATUS_VALID, ]); $deposit->update_customer_balance(); } // payed with paylater $payedWithPaylater = $total - $customer->deposit_balance; $paylater = $customer->paylaterHistories()->create([ 'debit' => $payedWithPaylater, 'description' => $description, ]); $paylater->update_customer_paylater(); } // deposit payment if ($customer->deposit_balance >= $total) { $deposit = $customer->deposites()->create([ 'credit' => $total, 'description' => $description, 'related_type' => Voucher::class, 'related_id' => $sale->id, 'is_valid' => DepositHistory::STATUS_VALID, ]); $deposit->update_customer_balance(); } DB::commit(); session()->remove('carts'); return redirect()->route('', $sale) ->with('message', ['type' => 'success', 'message' => 'pembelian berhasil']); } }