env('DS_APP_HOST', ''), //'host' => 'host.docker.internal', //Docker on Mac or Windows //'host' => '', //Homestead with the VirtualBox provider, //'host' => '', //Homestead with the Parallels provider, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Port |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Dumps App port. By default: 9191 | */ 'port' => env('DS_APP_PORT', 9191), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Auto Invoke Desktop App |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Invoke LaraDumps Desktop App to gain focus when a new dump arrives. | */ 'auto_invoke_app' => env('DS_AUTO_INVOKE_APP', true), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | SQL Query dump |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | When `true`, it allows to dump database and send them to Desktop App. | Required for: ds()->queriesOn() method. | */ 'send_queries' => env('DS_SEND_QUERIES', false), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | HTTP Client dump |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | When `true`, it allows to dump HTTP and send them to Desktop App. | Required for: ds()->httpOn() method. | */ 'send_http_client_requests' => env('DS_SEND_HTTP_CLIENT_REQUESTS', false), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Commands dump |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | When `true`, it allows to dump Commands and send them to Desktop App. | Required for: ds()->commandsOn() method. | */ 'send_commands' => env('DS_SEND_COMMANDS', false), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Job dump |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | When `true`, it allows to dump Job and send them to Desktop App. | Required for: ds()->jobsOn() method. | */ 'send_jobs' => env('DS_SEND_JOBS', false), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Cache dump |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | When `true`, it allows to dump Cache and send them to Desktop App. | Required for: ds()->cacheOn() method. | */ 'send_cache' => env('DS_SEND_CACHE', false), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Dump Scheduled Commands |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | When `true`, it allows to dump Scheduled Commands and send them to Desktop App. | Required for: ds()->scheduledCommandOn() method. | */ 'send_scheduled_commands' => env('DS_SEND_SCHEDULED_COMMANDS', false), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Gate & Policy dump |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | When `true`, it allows to dump Gate & Policy and send them to Desktop App. | Required for: ds()->gateOn() method. | */ 'send_gate' => env('DS_SEND_GATE', false), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Log dump |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | When `true`, it allows to dump Laravel logs and send them to Desktop App. | Required for logs dumping. | */ 'send_log_applications' => env('DS_SEND_LOGS', false), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Livewire Components |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | When `true`, it allows LaraDumps to dump and send Livewire components | private and protected properties to the Desktop App. */ 'send_livewire_components' => env('DS_SEND_LIVEWIRE_COMPONENTS', false), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Livewire - Ignore Components |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | LaraDumps will ignore and not listen to the Livewire Components listed below. | */ 'ignore_livewire_components' => [ // \App\Http\Livewire\Example::class, ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Livewire - Allowed Components |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | List of Livewire Components which will be tracked by the Desktop application. | The list must be comma separated. E,g: 'MyComponent,NotesComponent,AttachmentsComponent' | */ 'livewire_components' => env('DS_LIVEWIRE_COMPONENTS', ''), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Livewire - Protected Properties |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | When `true`, it allows LaraDumps to access and dump protected | and private properties of Livewire components | */ 'send_livewire_protected_properties' => env('DS_LIVEWIRE_PROTECTED_PROPERTIES', false), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Livewire - Events |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | When `true`, it allows to dump Livewire Events and send them to Desktop App. | */ 'send_livewire_events' => env('DS_LIVEWIRE_EVENTS', false), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Livewire - Validation |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | If enabled, LaraDumps will start listening for failed validations and | send them to a specific screen. | You can also specify an interval in milliseconds between each dump sent | to the application. | */ 'send_livewire_failed_validation' => [ 'enabled' => env('DS_SEND_LIVEWIRE_FAILED_VALIDATION', false), 'sleep' => env('DS_SEND_LIVEWIRE_FAILED_VALIDATION_SLEEP', 400), ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Livewire - Dispatch |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | When `true`, it allows to dump Livewire Browser Events dispatch | and send them to Desktop App. | */ 'send_livewire_dispatch' => env('DS_LIVEWIRE_DISPATCH', false), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Livewire - Components HighLight |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Enables highLighting the component on the page when | it is selected in the Desktop App. | */ 'send_livewire_components_highlight' => env('DS_LIVEWIRE_COMPONENTS_HIGHLIGHT', false), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Livewire - Auto-Clear on page reload |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | When debugging Livewire, you need to clear your LaraDumps APP history | every time the page is reloaded to keep track of your components. | Set auto_clear_on_page_reload to true so LaraDumps will clear history | automatically on page reload. | */ 'auto_clear_on_page_reload' => env('DS_AUTO_CLEAR_ON_PAGE_RELOAD', false), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Preferred IDE |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Configure your preferred IDE to be used in Dumps App file links. | */ 'preferred_ide' => env('DS_PREFERRED_IDE', 'phpstorm'), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | IDE Handlers |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Dumps already ships with pre-configured IDE protocol handlers. | You may adjust the handler or include custom ones, if needed. | */ 'ide_handlers' => [ 'atom' => [ 'handler' => 'atom://core/open/file?filename=', 'line_separator' => '&line=', ], 'phpstorm' => [ 'handler' => 'phpstorm://open?file=', 'line_separator' => '&line=', ], 'sublime' => [ 'handler' => 'subl://open?url=file://', 'line_separator' => '&line=', ], 'vscode' => [ 'handler' => 'vscode://file/', 'line_separator' => ':', ], 'vscode_remote' => [ 'handler' => 'vscode://vscode-remote/', 'line_separator' => ':', 'local_path' => 'wsl+' . env('DS_PREFERRED_WSL_DISTRO', 'Ubuntu20.04LTS'), 'remote_path' => env('DS_REMOTE_PATH', null), 'work_dir' => env('DS_WORKDIR', '/var/www/html'), ], ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Ignore Routes |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Routes containing the words listed below will NOT be dumped with | ds()->routes() command. | */ 'ignore_route_contains' => [ 'debugbar', 'ignition', 'horizon', 'livewire', ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Sleep |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | You can specify an interval in 'seconds' between sending dumps | to the Desktop App. | */ 'sleep' => env('DS_SLEEP'), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | CI Check |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | List of directories and text to be searched when running the | "php artisan ds:check" command. | */ 'ci_check' => [ 'directories' => [ base_path('app'), base_path('resources'), ], 'ignore_line_when_contains_text' => [ //'ads()' ], 'text_to_search' => [ 'ds(', 'dsq(', 'dsd(', 'ds1(', 'ds2(', 'ds3(', 'ds4(', 'ds5(', 'dsAutoClearOnPageReload', ], ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Color in Screen |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | If true, LaraDumps will separate colors into screens with the name of the | submitted color. | */ 'send_color_in_screen' => env('DS_SEND_COLOR_IN_SCREEN', false), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Color in Screen - Color Map |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Color map for "Color in Screen" feature. | */ 'screen_btn_colors_map' => [ 'default' => [ 'default' => 'btn-white', ], 'danger' => [ 'default' => 'btn-danger', ], 'info' => [ 'default' => 'btn-info', ], 'success' => [ 'default' => 'btn-success', ], 'warning' => [ 'default' => 'btn-warning', ], ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Level Log Colors Map |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Definition of Tailwind CSS class for LaraDumps color tag. | */ 'level_log_colors_map' => [ 'error' => env('DS_LOG_COLOR_ERROR', 'border-red-600'), 'critical' => env('DS_LOG_COLOR_CRITICAL', 'border-red-900'), 'alert' => env('DS_LOG_COLOR_ALERT', 'border-red-500'), 'emergency' => env('DS_LOG_COLOR_EMERGENCY', 'border-red-600'), 'warning' => env('DS_LOG_COLOR_WARNING', 'border-orange-300'), 'notice' => env('DS_LOG_COLOR_NOTICE', 'border-green-300'), 'info' => env('DS_LOG_COLOR_INFO', 'border-blue-300'), 'debug' => env('DS_LOG_COLOR_INFO', 'border-black'), ], ];