# TODO ### Admin - [x] CRUD Info - [x] CRUD Banner - [x] CRUD Rekening / Account - [x] CRUD Customer - [x] CRUD Lokasi - [x] CRUD Voucher - [x] Import Voucher - [x] Setting Web (enable affilate, amount bonus affilate) - [x] Setting Level Customer (view levels, edit name of level,minimal saldo, max amount saldo, max hutang) - [x] Deposit Menu (view daftar histori deposit) - [x] Manual Approve Deposit - [x] List Customer Verification - [x] Manual Approve Verification -> mendapatkan limit hutang - [ ] Setting Bonus Coin (memasukan amount bonus coin yang didapat dengan level dan harga voucher) - bonus coin - [ ] Voucher Sales (index: customer, total, jumlah voucher, detail: customer, list voucher, payment) - [ ] Dashboard (gafik hasil penjualan : disorting tanggal, lokasi dan customer) [total voucher] [total customer] [total customer verified] [total deposit] [total voucher terjual bulan xxx] [jumlah voucher terjual bulan xxx] [total voucher terjual hari ini ] [jumlah voucher terjual hari ini] [cart penjualan per tanggal, pilih range tanggal (range default 7), bisa filter by lokasi dan customer] [list customer dengan total beli hari ini] - [ ] Notification (manual deposit, deposit success, stock voucher, sale) - [ ] View Customer Coin History - [ ] Voucher - harga per level - [ ] Voucher - harga coin ### Adds - hutang (paylater) adalah limit tiap customer jika deposit kurang dalam pembayaran voucher , setiap limit yang digunakan akan di potong / di lunasi ketika melakukan topup deposit - tukar coin adalah dengan menambahkan harga coin di voucher dan menambahkan 1 fitur di customer untuk explorer voucher yang memiliki harga coin, disimpan menjadi sale biasa dengan cara 1 kali penukaran adalah 1 voucher ### Customer - [x] Tampilan Depan Customer (banner, info, voucher, saldo, coin) - mobile page - [x] Register Customer (wajib data lengkap) - [x] Register Customer Gmail - [x] Login Customer - [x] Login Customer Gmail - [x] Customer Edit Profile - [x] Customer Deposit Manual - [x] Customer Deposit Payment Gateway - [x] Customer Purchase Voucher - [x] Customer Share Buyed Voucher, via WA dll - [x] Register Refferal - [x] Customer View Coin History - [x] Verified Akun - [x] Paylater: index paylater, payment cart, deposite repay - [ ] Coin Explorer: list voucher, modal voucher to excange - [ ] Notification (purchase success, deposit success)