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117 lines
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### Requirements ( Do It Letter )
### Setup Project
- create `proto` dir
- create versioning dir and service dir `health`
- create proto file `health.proto`
- compile / generate proto with `` in proto dir
### Setup config file
- create `config.yaml`
- create `pkg` dir , create versioning dir and create `configs` dir
- `go get` , is a lib for parsing yaml config file to struct
- create `config.go` file, implement New and other func
- create `configs` dir on root project , create `configs.go`, this is file that bundle or wrap any services or packages
- `go get`, is a lib to show log on run
- implement New to `configs.go` file
- create `main.go`, implement to call config and log environtment read is ready
- test `go run .`
### Implement Server GRPC
- create `utils/constants` dir in `pkg/v1`, to create global constants, implement EnvProduction, Successcode, SuccessDesc
- implement grpc service create `api/v1/health` service, create `health.go` as server service
- create `api/v1/health/status.go` as method implment from protobuf / pb file
- create `router` dir in root project
- create `grpc.go` in router dir and implement NewGRPCServer and register health api service
- `go get`, is for ?
- create `router.go` in router dir and implement IgnoreErr, this is for ignore error so can be safely ignore
- `go get`, is for ?
- implement `main.go` to create grpc server from grpc.go with errgroup handler
- `go run .`, run server grpc
- `go install`
- test `grpcurl -plaintext localhost:5566 list`, to show list name of services
- test `grpcurl -plaintext localhost:5566 list`, to show list name of service methods
- test `grpcurl -plaintext localhost:5566`, to test method call in grpc
- result
"success": true,
"code": "0000",
"desc": "SUCCESS"
- or test via postman , new -> grpc request -> Enter Server Url : localhost:5566 -> Import proto file / Select Method : Status -> Click Invoke
### Implement gRPC-Gateway
- implement `import "google/api/annotations.proto";` in proto file
- changes line below in all service methods for rest compile to rest
service HealthService {
rpc Status(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (Response) {
+ option (google.api.http) = {
+ get: "/api/gogrpc/v1/health/status"
+ };
- re - compile / re - generate proto with `` in proto dir
- `go mod tidy`
- `go get ""`
- create `http.go` in router dir and implement NewHTTPServer and register health api service
- register httpserver to `main.go`
g.Go(func() error { return router.NewHTTPServer(configs, logger) })
- `go run .` run grpc and http server
- test `curl localhost:8080/api/v1/health/status`, reponse
- `mkdir swagger`
- `cd proto`
- `./`
- register apidoc to http server in `http.go` implement
if configs.Config.Env != constants.EnvProduction {
func CreateSwagger(gwmux *http.ServeMux) {
gwmux.HandleFunc("/api/health/docs.json", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
http.ServeFile(w, r, "swagger/docs.json")
### Implement DB_Connection (With PostgreSQL)
- Execute `example.sql` in db, you know how to do it
- add `config.yaml` with line below
port: 5432
dbname: test
username: postgres
password: mysecretpassword
- changes `pkg/v1/config/config.go` to add new config line in config struct and and validateConfigData rule
- `go get`
- create `pkg/v1/postgres` dir, create `postgres.go` file in there implement string conn and test connection
- create `pkg/v1/utils/converter` dir, create `converter.go` file in there, to convert camelcase to snake_case
- create `pkg/v1/postgres/custom.main.go` to implement all query to database table custom
- changes `configs/configs.go` to bundle pg connection
- how to use custom.main.go call function from custom main in api status, check `api/v1/health/status.go`